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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The E ewwwwwwwwwww

Is the EU insane?
Honestly, bAtShIt crazy?
First they're up in MS's grill over Vista, the next truly great computer advancement, now this?

The US government makes its own incomprehensible laws, true, but those usually involve something serious, like electrocution isn't torture, or strip all civil liberties to battle the "terrorists" and "child molesters". The US government doesn't seem to hate the computer/internet/software industry nearly as much as the EU.

At least when the US government, with the exception of Iowa who is still "fighting the good fight" went after MS, they were honest in the fact that they just wanted money from the wealthiest man on earth. They took their cut, gave the citizens rediculously useless vouchers, and went on with their freemarket ideas. The EU hosed MS for $600,000,000+ for capitalism market practices, and then again for not opening up their interconnect software. Basically saying that MS should give everyone everything they spent money developing for free, because consumers want those features, and everyone else it too stupid to make better ones without stealing from MS.

People can bash MS all they want, but the truth is that this is a free market. If someone else made an OS that was truly better for average desktop users, then it would sell more copies, become more popular, and "win".

As far as the next truly great computer advancement goes, don't forget to kneel down and thank Microsoft for muscling the cable companies into allowing us to use Cablecards with our Vista PC's. Because I sure as hell didn't see Apple or any distro make it happen.

Next someone will complain that MS doesn't share the drivers for how to work the cablecard cards, and the man that cracks them will be heralded as a hero in the OSS world. The EU will then proceed to sue them for vague anti-competitive practices, citing how everyone says they're asshats over the cable card thing.


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