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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The easiest way to lose friends is to talk about politics.

Do you feel like your Congressmen represent you? So it would be fair to say you feel you have little to no representation? Is it fair to say that they take your money, and spend it on things you don't feel like they should be spending it on? Lets call that a tax.

Taxation without representation perhaps?

People bitch about the government all the time, about the twoparty system, about how we should be keeping dark-skinned people poor, or killing people to make room for trees, but I never hear anyone talking about one of the real problems.


When the constitution was signed, we had one congressman for every 30,000 people in the US. Today we have 433 congressmen, and 300,000,000 citizens. Your government is trying to tell you that one man (or women, even though they don't really have anything important to say) is capable of representing 692,840 people. Those are some mighty special people. Maybe thats why they take bribe money and fondle children. They're trying to be the average of 700,000 people.

If we had the 10,000 congressmen we SHOULD have, we would instantly be doing better off. Just think about how much harder it is for a corporation to buy 5,001 votes instead of 217. How much easier it is for you to convince 30,000 people to give your third-party ass a chance at leading. People might say they'd never get anything accomplished trying to get 10,000 people to agree on anything. To that I'd say, we're actually trying to get 300,000,000 people to agree on something, where have you been. To that I'd say, GOOD, congress, amid their aproval of torture and the reunification of MaBell, has time to approve congressional congratulations to sports teams and the like, they obviously have too much time on their hands.

Let your congressman know how amazed you are that he can represent 700,000 people, call him (Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121) if you have Apple-sized balls.


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