
Why search all teh internets; everything you wanted to know today is right here anyway.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Does anyone hate buisness leaks?

I didn't think so.

Treo 680: $424.99 straight, $349.99 one year, $249.99 one year with unlimited data (and $100 rebate), $274.99 two year, $174.99 two year with unlimited data (and $100 rebate; their ad, however, shows a $200 list price, but it's good to know we can count on around two Benjamins. Expect it November 5th (tentative).

Cingular 8525: $559.99 straight, $484.99 one year (not including $50 rebate if included with unlimited data), $409.99 two year (also not including that same rebate); expect it October 29th.

Friday, October 27, 2006

How does google make money again?

I wasn't going to mention the ads again, but its just so rediculous. Doesn't google use some advanced theoretical alien algorithm to determine which ad's appear on your page? They're supposed to be custom tailored to the needs of your visitors, so that they're likely to want to learn more.

Well thanks visitors, aparently you're all a bunch of sick myspace predators with a think for black children.

The stock market is full of r-tards.

So I recently recomended nVidia to a friend as a stock to look at purchasing. They're in an amazing spot right now. They have the only DX10 card available coming Nov 8ish, their only competitor won't have a DX10 card till at least January because its all mucked up with a merger, and its not just about the DX10, its about the fact that its the new generation of cards that kicks the crap out of the old generation. It's like having an game console to drop on the market before the xmas season that your only competitor won't have till after. It's better then that, as these mythical consoles are the first generation to let you run something as critical as say, your Car, to its maximum potential. Also, because they were waiting for Vista to drop the DX10 cards, they've been shilling the same G70 core for way longer then they would have otherwise. A moronic "analyst" recently rated them as an underperformer, which dropped their stock a few percent. Of course they're underperforming, they have been reselling new versions of the same card with 10-15% performance boosts for 1.5 years now. Aparently Analysts don't get paid to read the news about a companies future products.

Well anyway, so I thought they were a strong buy (though I have none of that official crap, so this does not constitute financial advice to you) and they've went up a bit since then, but today they drop 4% in value. But they're not the only ones, Intel and AMD are also down about the same amount. Let me teach you something stockmarket, Intel, AMD-ATI, and nVidia make all of the CPU/GPU processors that 98% of people with these new fangled "computer" things are using. They're a more reliable industry then airplanes, oil, and it's probably a safer bet that they'll be around longer then houses, as I know a few who'd have a hard time deciding between. These companies are not going anywhere, they're going to be around to take people's money for at least the next decade. One of them has to turn a profit and be worth owning. You can't say that all three of these companies are worth less then they were worth yesterday, you have to believe that one of them will take more market share from the others and win the game.

Kramer always says to buy when things are going down, and I don't see any reason to disagree.

I thought Santa alone was a funny choice.

If this isn't the best halloween costume ever, then let me know what is.

Hybrid Drives, smybrid drives.

So Microsoft has been pushing harddrives that use flash memory as 128megs of cache.
I Cringley of PBS fame has been working with some friends on a revolution in harddrive technologies.

Syndication Testing

This is a test of email publishing to facilitate syndication of


I'd just like to take a moment to thank everyone who found advertisements for BLACK CHILDREN and FAMOUS BLOG interesting enough to click through. You will now find ads relevant to the stories if you view a single story, but google refuses to generate ads relevant to the content of my blog, which is written on blogger, a company they own, wtf?

Anyway, thank you for your continued support in clicking on my advertisers, out of morbid curiosity alone.

It sucks to lose your job to foreigners. Especially if you're an effing robot.

If you're anything like me and you have refused to do anything that involves manual labor that could be done by a robot instead, you might own a roomba or scooba. Well it just so happens that now there are cheaper indentured servants of metalic decent coming out of Korea.

When you dream, dream big, and never give up on your dreams.

So with the sickening aquisition of ATI by AMD underway, sights are set on nVidia and Intel. CPU/GPU combo boards and other mutations are the way of the future, so nVidia really has two choices now, then can be bought by Intel, or they can start making cpu's. I hope to god they start making cpu's. The inquirer thinks this is whats going to happen, and you can read about it
and here:
I'd buy an nVidia cpu, wouldn't you?

While I'm talking about nVidia, let me mention that their STRONG in the market atm, with their G80 dropping Nov 11th, and ATI's next generation not dropping till January at the earliest. Not only is the G80 far better then ATI's offerings, in a serious way, but its the only DX10 card. What card will Vista users be buying for Xmas? I'll let you figure out that difficult equation. God only knows why analysts recently said they were underperforming to drop the stock price. Those analysts, like most analysts are akin to futurologists, otherwise known as morons.

When your boss is parked next to you as your leaving from lunch, and he turns and says "wanna race?", the correct answer is "hell yes".

A couple of things while I have your attention. Flat panels are getting better all the time. Germany has decided to net-Nazi it up and license the internets. Also, some of you may be aware then every generation of late, nVidia brings out a CG rendered hottie that their card can render in real-time to showcase its abilities. They decided that they would render a real girl this time, and chose the feature model of Playboy's Feb 2006 issue. The G80 is coming, thank god.

Things are getting better all the time.

Alienware is moving into the HTPC market. Woot. Now if only newegg would sell oem cases this nice.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Mailinate that Noob

You hate spam, I hate spam. You hate having to register for sites with fake information, I have having to register period. Bugmenot is convinced registration is useless, but a better solution has come about. Mailinator allows you to send any email you want to you simply visit the website shortly after and type whatever anything was for you into the box on the side, and you can see what mail you got. For example if I'm registering for the NYTIMES I can register with and then visit the site and check email sent to that account, you don't have to sign up or setup before or after you have mail sent there. Its priceless. Smarter sites are blocking the domain now, but it still works most everywhere.

The Fall of Rome : Update

It's always good to be right. They've aparently lost 94% of their profit this year, and 40% of the value of the company over the past 5.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Fall of Rome : Fck SONY

People often refer to the fall of Rome as a way of displaying that great world powers can fail too. Rome never really fell though, as much as faded away. For lots of reasons that scholars debate, including copious amounts of politics, Rome slowly lost its grip on its empire until it simply lost its relevance.

I bring this to you today to tell you of the fall of another great empire, Sony. For quite some time now, the Sony brand on your electronics has meant something. In the past it signified QUALITY. Sony was one of the members of the Japanese Quality Revolution, and similar to BMW or newegg, when you bought from them, you didn't have to worry about the quality of your products.

My how the mighty have fallen.

I generally hold the opinion that "most" CEO's and upper executives do not deserve to make nearly as much as they do. Sony's executive's have clearly shown that they are overpaid. They are singlehandedly driving a dynasty into the ground.

Lets look at recent events.

Playstation 3
Sony has sold a staggering amount of Playstation 2 units. It is a worldwide recognized brand. It has earned them untold amounts of money, brand recognition, and reputation. Aparently they decided that the best plan for developing the Playstation 3 was to "wing it".
When they pushed the rediculous boomerang controller, then claimed it was a beta design, then reverted to their time tested design, then added the Wii motion sensing, then removed the rumble because it interfered with the sensors (and lawsuits couldn't have hurt), I had to laugh. Where was their marketing department? Where was their developement team? How much money did they spend before caving into pressure from critics and whims of upper managers? Who wants to tell me that an executive did not walk into the engineering dept and say "Hey, the fanboi's are crying about our bananna shaped controller, could we make it work like the Wii's instead?".
When they had announced that there were no plans for a unified online service, I had to cry with laughter. Does Sony truly not understand the internet? Or online gaming? Had anyone in their company played via Xbox Live, and then looked at their own solution to online gaming and given it even more then a moments thought? Apparently in all the time before design for the Playstation 3 began, noone with any input on online funcitonality for the PS3 had ever used Xbox live. If they had, there wouldn't even be a question, they would have copied it from the beggining. They would have tried to implement a Sony Live for PS2. It was like Dell announcing that they didn't see any reason to implement internet connection hardware in their upcoming models.
When they had announced that the system would cost no less then 3 trillion $US if pre-ordered with trade in games, the world soiled its' pants. Recently in comparing its pricing to the competition in a rather deceitful way, Sony has landed into legal troubles. The reality is that with games being the price they are, buying a PS3, a 2nd controller, and 2 games is going put you around 800$+tax. Don't forget to buy an HDMI cable, Sony is too cheap to throw one in.
Some say 800$ for a gaming system is CHEAP. These people are PC gamers. These people don't realize that in this day an age, you need a computer, so you have one already. The difference between the computer you are going to own and a gaming system is 200$ on doubling your ram, getting the 100$ more expensive CPU and buying a new video card. The PS3 isbased off of the G70, whose last revision card peaks at around 10.4/15.6 gigapixelgigatexel/second, from a first revision score of about 4.5/6.5. Nov. 8th, the first revision of the G80 is going to drop, with rumors placing its peak fill rate at 48-69 gigapixels, for roughly 400$. Why would I buy a G70 based console et all for 800$, when I can game-ify the computer I'm buying with a G80 base for 700$. Not to mention that I'm not stuck with a soon to be laughable 1080p resolution.
Some say, a PS3 is only a bit more then a 360 with the HDDVD addon, but lets be even more honest. The HDDDVD addon is for people to watch movies, and is a cheaper alternative for movie watchers that own a 360. The Blu-Ray drive for the PS3 is an agendda in an of itself.

Egotistical Formats
With formats such as mini-disk and memory stick becoming the industry standards that they are, Sony is still fighting the good fight on the format front. A Blu-Ray player with video game functionality is a bit too harsh a critisim of the PS3, but Sony is obviously banking on the PS3 as a way to push Blu-Ray. Trying to escape a repeat of the betamax fiasco, Sony has managed to damage its videogame branch by pushing its own format. They lost 6 months in the market to Microsoft. This in a console cycle that is looking to push to 2-2.5 years between systems. When developers are just starting to tap the potential of the PS3's G70 and Cell chips, MS will be already dropping the Xbox 720. Because of MS's Visual Studio XNA and .net, the potential of its newest console will be just as easy to unlock as the 360's. How can the executives justify this move? Not only did they hurt the PS3, they hurt their format. Because they're hoarding the blue lasers for the PS3's, they blu-ray stand alone's are slow to market, cost twice as much, and are losing from my point of view.

Loss of Quality
The only thing that needs to be said here is : Batteries. Thats not the extent of the humor though, so we'll say EXPLODING batteries. Where was the famous Sony Quality on that one? When did Sony drop from a prestiegious brand to just another label to put on OEM parts?

Loss of Morality
Enter Lik-Sang, importer of consoles, funky japanses accesories, grey market addons, and other toy's of the far-east. Lik-Sang is the Newegg of importers, trusted, well priced, fast, and curtious. Enter Sony, following the sin of Greed, who has declared open pricing in Japan and that Europe must wait forever to get a PS3. Lik-sang has been buying PSP's and then selling them to other countries, reguardless of release dates and the like. This is otherwise known as commerce. The practice has been around for a while, I believe starting around the dawn of mankind. Sony doesn't want them to do this, so what is poor Sony to do? Well if they complain that the PSP's are illegal to sell because customers could confuse the foreign voltage requirements and blame Sony. And btw, isn't it totally illegal to buy a european car and sell it in the USA because someone might confuse the diesal requirement and blame the european car company? Hoozah, score one for Sony.

Dating back a bit farther, who could forget Sony's method of "protecting" its musical content? What were they to do with all those evil users who want to rip cd's that they've bought so they can play them on their ipod? They decided to rootkit the computer of anyone who placed the disc in their drive. Amazing strategy, I know. The best part about the rootkit, is that it is such a good rootkit, that once you know how to rename your files, you can run hacks on games like World of Warcraft or Sony's previously unhacked Everquest 2, that are usually detected by the games' guardian software. Way to go Sony.

Lets face it, for the past year, anywhere Sony could go wrong, they did. Their quality is down, they have no idea what their customers want, they care more about their bottom line then ethics, and they took a flagship product that was impossible to make wrong, and have been trying their best to give their most mentally challanged employees the job of designing and marketing it. Or is it their best and brightest that thought they didn't need a unified online presence, or that HD tv's were a luxury, and that the US isn't mandating all cable to be switched over shortly?

You want a better buisness strategy Sony? How about instead of eating 300$+ releasing an overpriced PS3 and hurting your entire electronic division by pushing your format, you release the PS3 with a DVD drive for 300$ so that everyone and their mother buys one, or better yet, release the PS3 with DVD for 550, and eat 300+ from the cost of the cheapest blu-ray player you can make. How many 150$ stand alone blu-ray players do you think you could sell? Its not like you don't get the royalties from blu-ray media to re-coop the loss. Its not the guarenteed recoop from video games, but then if you own the media, you could have pressured the movie studios into giving you a bigger slice of the pie. Plus most people own more movies then video games anyway.

Really, what is Sony doing? Does anyone know? Please tell me.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Gratz on the e-penis enlargment.

I've been a little busy irl this past weekend to keep up with the current insanities of the internets, but blogging will recommence tomarrow.

I'd just like to take a moment to give gratz to Evan Reiser, owner of ( He's been trying to get a page of his to show up as the number one page for google searches of his name. As of last night,, he's number 2. It only took him one week. Interestingly enough, a search for my blog ( not only does not brandish a link for me, but gives his site as result 1 and 4.

I blame this for his pagerank bump.

Hopefully he'll throw some links my way to bump my page rank.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Have you seen the very hand of God today?

I did. I saw it in an ad. What did his hand look like you ask? It looks like the stuff of children's dreams.

How often can you buy children's dreams for $29.99? Not often.

More of an in your grill overkill guerilla then a tactical striker? Try this one.