Criminals denounce laws governing their crimes. Linux Terrorists are pushing their jihad against American Law once again.
For those of you who haven't been following the news in the religious world, Microsoft, whom Linux terrorist refer to as "the devil", has recently been trying to be friends with an operating system who holds 0.4% market share. As you can imagine, no one in their right minds would be using Linux if it were incompatible with Microsoft's operating system. Without the ability to view Word documents, Excel sheets, and PowerPoint presentations, let alone the file structure of a Windows PC, there would be very little incentive to even try Linux. Microsoft had been relatively lax in enforcing the patents it has on the way it coded its file system, but now that Linux is pushing 0.4% market share, Microsoft is realizes that it deserves a chunk of the money Linux is pulling in from corporations. It recently made an offer to Novell, in exchange for some money, it agrees to allow Novell to use any unspecified MS patent violating code, and not to go after it's users legally. A fair deal to avoid costly legal fees on both sides.
The religious Linux crowd is afire with rants against "the devil".
Case in point, the Samba terrorist team basically writes software to allow you to view and interact with the Microsoft file structure, even allowing you to emulate it so that you're Windows computers think that your Linux computer has a Windows File Structure.
I think its obvious that to perform this task, Samba MUST be using code that violates Microsoft's legal protections of its own file system code.
Samba has written that "It also is the understanding of the Samba programmers that "the GPL makes it clear that all distributors of GPL'd software must stand together in the fight against software patents.""
I as a logical human being, was unaware that a Software licence used to dictate the legal use and provision of software was actually a binding contract that forces users of the licence to "stand together in the fight against software patents". A blind terroristic theological stance is forced on every user of the GPL? I would LOVE to see where in the GPL it states that anyone releasing software under this licence is bound to fight alongside Samba in the jihad against "the devil" Microsoft. I repeat, LOVE TO SEE! Please readers, point it out to me. Any Linux zealot that posts in defense of SAMBA without pointing this clause out to me deserves NO CREDIBILITY in his views.
If Samba wasn't bad enough with their jihad, they're HYPOCRITES TO BOOT.
The Samba terrorist group, in a public letter to Novell wrote that "one of the fundamental differences between the proprietary software world and the free software world is that the proprietary software world divides users by forcing them to agree to coercive licensing agreements which restrict their rights to share with each other, whereas the free software world encourages users to unite and share the benefits of the software."
Lets examine this statement under the unbiased view of BOLD FACED TYPE.
"one of the fundamental differences between the proprietary software world and the free software world is that the proprietary software world divides users by forcing them to agree to coercive licensing agreements"
"the GPL makes it clear that all distributors of GPL'd software must stand together in the fight against software patents"
This just proves that a Linux terrorist like Samba will say whatever it needs to in order to strike fear, uncertainty, and doubt in the minds of business owners who just want to view their business presentation and don't want to agree to an ideology in order to do so.
Linux Terrorists just do not realize that they can't ignore United States Federal Laws because they don't like it. If they think it should be different, they could buy enough Senators to change it to their liking, if they had a better product that could dominate the market that is.
Enjoy you're 0.4%, terrorists.
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