What Microsoft SHOULD be doing.
My post today is about winning. I mean winning in a broader sense, I mean it in the FTW sense. If Microsoft is listening, and I can only hope they smile down apon us from up high every day, they should pay close attention, I have the mad strats for their Xbox division. Price Cut.
Wait, wait I know, EVERYONE is saying price cuts, its OBVIOUS they'll pricecut, probably just after the holiday season, unless they do it before to milk it. Look at the numbers though, its projected they're finally turning a profit, where they used to be taking a 200ish loss? Well, here's where the mad strats come in. What if they took the same loss they did when they launched the console, starting now? Even the most conservative estimates had them taking a 125ish hit, and now they're saying 75 profit?
What if the Xbox 360 cost $200 less? That'd put the premium system at $200, and the core system at what, $100?
Anyone who says Nintendo wasn't trying to compete, that they were going for mass market, well I laugh in your face. Nothing is more mass market then a $100 Xbox360 core system. They would FLY off the shelf this Christmas like you would believe, and market saturation would be at untold levels. Did you see the $100 Xbox 360 core system sale on Amazon bring Amazon.com to its knees for 13 minutes? Wii sales only made them shudder for 2 or 3 minutes. Not to mention that would make a $300 HD-DVD player a reality, bringing an end to the format war.
Screw Nintendo and their 4:3 480p, I want my $100 Xbox 360 core systems.
People truely underestimate what it means that Microsoft released their "next-generation" console LAST YEAR. If Microsoft plays ruthlessly, they could crush Nintendo this generation, and laugh all the way to the bank as Sony continues its spiral into failure. Not to mention push their Live platform to nearly every home in America.
This last point is really important if you're still listening Microsoft. PLEASE massively price cut your 360's. Forget about the Console wars and it's retarded fanboys. The LIVE platform is what will let you laugh at Google. If you had a machine for downloading movies and music, that could transfer to your Zune, in every household, you would win over the ipod, you would win over bluray, you would win the upcoming IPTV war I KNOW you're preparing for.
You KNOW you want to play ruthlessly!
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Wait, wait I know, EVERYONE is saying price cuts, its OBVIOUS they'll pricecut, probably just after the holiday season, unless they do it before to milk it. Look at the numbers though, its projected they're finally turning a profit, where they used to be taking a 200ish loss? Well, here's where the mad strats come in. What if they took the same loss they did when they launched the console, starting now? Even the most conservative estimates had them taking a 125ish hit, and now they're saying 75 profit?
What if the Xbox 360 cost $200 less? That'd put the premium system at $200, and the core system at what, $100?
Anyone who says Nintendo wasn't trying to compete, that they were going for mass market, well I laugh in your face. Nothing is more mass market then a $100 Xbox360 core system. They would FLY off the shelf this Christmas like you would believe, and market saturation would be at untold levels. Did you see the $100 Xbox 360 core system sale on Amazon bring Amazon.com to its knees for 13 minutes? Wii sales only made them shudder for 2 or 3 minutes. Not to mention that would make a $300 HD-DVD player a reality, bringing an end to the format war.
Screw Nintendo and their 4:3 480p, I want my $100 Xbox 360 core systems.
People truely underestimate what it means that Microsoft released their "next-generation" console LAST YEAR. If Microsoft plays ruthlessly, they could crush Nintendo this generation, and laugh all the way to the bank as Sony continues its spiral into failure. Not to mention push their Live platform to nearly every home in America.
This last point is really important if you're still listening Microsoft. PLEASE massively price cut your 360's. Forget about the Console wars and it's retarded fanboys. The LIVE platform is what will let you laugh at Google. If you had a machine for downloading movies and music, that could transfer to your Zune, in every household, you would win over the ipod, you would win over bluray, you would win the upcoming IPTV war I KNOW you're preparing for.
You KNOW you want to play ruthlessly!
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